Wellness Business Systems
teleconferenced business building for holistic nutritionists
Your Tutor - Bianca Church, RHN

As Teaching Assistant for CSNN Distance Education and through her experience in marking numerous tests and case studies for the CSNN Diploma program, Bianca has identified key areas where students could improve their chances of success and make more efficient use of their time. She has designed these sessions to help students complete their studies quickly and effectively. In addition to her work as a TA, Bianca Church is CSNN’s Curriculum Developer/Coordinator, and is owner and operator of Nature’s Wellness, a successful holistic health practice with clients both within and outside of Canada. She is a graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Distance Education, recipient of CSNN’s 2005 Award of Excellence, graduate of the International Institute of Iridology, and a Certified Healthy Breast Practitioner. Bianca has extensive experience and formal training in national marketing and advertising, communication and conflict resolution, seminar development, and public speaking.

Tutorials Offered

All sessions include materials and are conducted via telephone or Skype.

Payment can be made by credit card or email transfer.
Call (705) 724-9190 to enrol.

Case Study Tutorial

A CSNN approved tutor can help you to develop thorough case studies with sound recommendations to better meet the schools evaluation requirements.


Case Study Tutorial Outline

  • Understand the requirements for developing a sound case study

  • Avoid the pitfalls and common errors other students are making

  • Effectively analyze relevant questionnaires

  • Know how and when to use sub-category questionnaires

  • Learn about additional references that give you that edge

  • Analyze a sample case study – format, contents, the little extras that make the difference

    Click for Case Study tuorial details and pricing


  • This tutorial is delivered by telephone lecture with the assistance of complementary study materials.

  • All materials, including the lesson notes, sample case study, and additional forms are included and sent via email.

  • Tutorials are conducted on an individual basis via telephone or Skype.

  • Payment can be made by cheque, credit card, or e-transfer.

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